A Bunting We Will Go



A bunting we will go…A bunting we will go…High ho the derry-oh…a bunting we will go!

Tee Hee! This little project was so much fun to work on the last few days. It really didn’t last long enough! But I’m enjoying the end result and it seems my family loves it too! A bit of back story: A couple of years ago, I was making a bunch of things to give as Christmas presents to all our cousins, and Maddie was helping me. One day, when Randy walked in, she said, “Dad, we’re making lots of stuff in Genevieve’s Workshop!” Right then and there I thought it would be fun to have a sign or something over the entrance to “my studio”, aka. family sunroom.


As I’ve run several options through my mind, I was recently captivated by the Granny Square Triangle Bunting Lucy was making over at Attic24. Her tutorials are always spot-on, and this one was no exception. I switched things up only a tiny bit to serve my purpose here, but it seemed the perfect way to add signage to my art space. Here’s what I did:


I used Vickie Howell’s Sheep-Ish yarn for its bright, bold colors and an H hook. I worked each triangle in two colors, choosing the outer color of the previous triangle for the inner color of the next triangle. For the “space” in between the words, Genevieve’s Workshop, I made a multi-colored triangle. Once I had all the triangles I needed, I strung them together with three rows of single crochet across the top, using a different color for each row. I then followed Lucy’s fantastic instruction for flattening out the crochet (brilliant!).  I used stencils to cut out the letters from a fabric chosen to show up on the bright colors. I simply used Elmer’s glue to glue them onto the triangles. Et Voila!


Now I’m dreaming of other places in our house that “need” a little bunting love! I really did enjoy this project! So simple, very fast, and it really adds a festiveness to our kitchen/sunroom area.



You should go a-bunting too! 🙂 And then you must drawcument the result, as I did here. Drawing what you make is a great way to celebrate that you actually completed something and to record the finished product.

0 thoughts on “A Bunting We Will Go

  1. freebirdsings says:

    It seems to me that you must be feeling much better to be having not only fun with a new project but so much fun in the telling of it too! Wonderful.

    I see your desk is much neater than mine although just as crowded! I’m working on the kitchen table due to this cluttered desk condition. Love how you have the painting of your daughter over your desk. Your room, your bunting and your painted page all look wonderful.

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