A Longing to Paint

Underneath all the hub-bub of my life, like a golden thread woven through fabric, is a longing to paint.  It never goes away.  It’s there at soccer games, at swim meets, at choral concerts, at skateboarding events, at church, when I’m with my husband, friends and family.  It weaves in and out of my thoughts…paint, paint, paint, draw, draw, draw.  Not quite like a mandate, although that aspect of it is certainly there.  But more like music…a tune that plays in your heart and head all through the day.  The conversations, the fun of watching my child perform or play, the delight of being with others…it all gets scrambled and translated into images in my head.  I long to get them down on paper or canvas.  I long to see/feel/hear the pens and paints swoosh around to make music on paper.

When I have a chance, or when I purposefully make the time, to draw and paint, there’s a sense of wholeness, resolution, peace.  Like the ending to a beautiful piece of music.  But then I waken the next day with the tune still hovering in the air, calling to me, beckoning me to dance on pages with pen and paper.

Do you feel this too?

0 thoughts on “A Longing to Paint

  1. Candylei says:

    Yes, I paint and then I want to stop and do a doll quilt or work with another medium. I think that is what keeps art exciting. I love your splash of colors here! Beautiful!

  2. Ann says:

    yes, I do. Most of the time anyway. This is a wonderful piece. I especially like the bottom third with those colors, strokes, and washes – gorgeous!

  3. Timaree (freebird) says:

    I do, I do, but I don’t always know how to put it down on paper. I start and it’s not what I am feeling so I get frustrated. Learning to use watercolors is helping. I love the way those colors hit the paper. I will keep practicing and trying – what else is there to do?

  4. Raena says:

    I definitely feel this way! Only in my case, I let all that other stuff get in the way and I usually don’t get around to the painting part. I’m learning that it is more my fault than it is those that cause my to be busy all the time. But, I am definitely always thinking about drawing and painting!

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