Birthday Reflections



I awoke this morning, July 29th, to this image in my head. (Click on image to enlarge). Drawing it out onto the page has been good to start the day remembering just how lovely this life is that I’ve been granted. Sure, there have been difficult things to live through. Definitely there have been mundane, slog-it-out days. But as I’ve drawn the lines of my life over the past several years, I’ve been able to see that the lines have fallen in pleasant places.



You see, it is through sketching and drawing my life that I’ve come to see the Grand Adventure of my life.  In June, as I reflected on my upcoming birthday, the above thought struck me. Can it be that we spend so much of our lives wanting to go on adventures that elude us, all the while living the Grandest Adventure of all? What will it take for us to finally realize this? I’m grateful that drawing has opened my eyes to the adventure of each and every moment. Perhaps it will for you too!

On this, my 48th birthday, I’m looking forward to what adventures lie ahead. Even as I type that, I tremble a bit. I know they won’t all be easy or fun adventures. Some will be agonizingly difficult and painful. But as long as I’m walking through them hand in hand with My Maker, while the other hand draws the lines, I’ll be okay. Won’t you join me?  Draw Your Life and let’s discover together the Grand Adventure we’ve been waiting for.

**sorry about the poor quality photos of these two pages…morning light is dreadful for photographing anything! But I just had to get this out to you, and then be off on my adventure filled birthday! Wheeee!!!

12 thoughts on “Birthday Reflections

  1. Phyllis Alden says:

    Love this! We have often noted that in English we say “I AM ‘x’ years” while Latin languages say “I HAVE ‘x’ years”. I like the Latin language view where years of memories and experiences are seen as a treasured collection to be honored, and to inspire.

    • jenpedwards says:

      Thank you Phyliis, for this affirmation! As the French would also say, “j’ai quarante-huit ans”… I have 48 years of lovely memories, travels, people, events that have made for one grand adventure! Blessings to you Phyllis!

  2. freebirdsings says:

    Well, Happy Birthday to you,
    Happy Birthday to you,
    Happy Birthday dear Jennifer,
    Happy Birthday to you….
    And many more!

    Hope today is wonderful and that this year is filled with many good things and easier things than the last year had healthwise!

    Your photos are fine, easy to see and I did pore over your time line drawing! My kids, son especially think I don’t have an adventurous life. I will admit I am a cautious person and not a big risk taker but I got to thinking if my life were a book would it be interesting to anyone. Probably not but I have tried many small adventures such as following my husband around as he changed stations in the Navy going as far as Japan for a couple of years. I bought a house in Minnesota for a grand $5000 unseen although not unknown (it was my sister’s grandmother-in-law’s). I have taken up almost every craft as it came along and learned to can foods and make jams from my dad’s fruits. Oh some of these were just chores in my grandmother’s day but almost no one did them in my own so they were adventures to me. Following my husband as you did yours (and your parent’s) led me to new people and places to learn about. If we enjoy and learn about what we have and can do with what is in front of us life can truly be an adventure no matter what. I don’t need to go surfing in Costa Rica as my son has done although I would like to see Ireland someday. I don’t need to parachute from a plane when I am 70 or 80. I just need to keep learning something and enjoying my family. It seems as if you’ve got family, family and family on your time thread. Family is instant adventure as you’ve found out.

    I am toasting you with my coffee this morning. On to this year’s adventures whatever they are, good or bad – Celebrate Life!

    • jenpedwards says:

      Thank you, thank you, thank you Timaree! I too have had that thought…if my life was a book… I guess it doesn’t have to be interesting to anyone else but ourselves, eh? Yours sounds pretty cool though! My coffee mug to you Timaree!

  3. Rosemary Gilman says:

    Thank you for your inspiring posts. I am going through a difficult time right now but reading your posts and seeing your beautiful and uplifting illustrations really helps me to focus on the positive and appreciate what I have. Again, thank you.

    • jenpedwards says:

      I am sorry to hear of your difficulty…hang in there Rosemary! I’m glad you are finding some inspiration though. Perhaps a but if paint splashed on paper would help also. Thank you for commenting to let me know. I’ll be thinking of you!

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