Poem from a Christmas Past

A Dickens Eve A gentle waterfall spilled up and o’er the rim finding age old crevices to follow towards my chin. ‘Twere just a play! a staged apparition… Well, actually there were three nay four! after intermission. What magic did befall me as costumed sorcerers did brew with lilting incantations and lovely music too. Had … Continue reading Poem from a Christmas Past

Christmas Mugs

A MutinyThe cupboard cannot hold them these merry mugs of cheer. For sweetly drinking Christmas, Out of boxes pulled each year.I cannot fit them with the rest so tumbled out I’ll leave them, spilling Christmas nog and joy with every chance I see them.They wink as I drink my morning cuppa And froth piping hot … Continue reading Christmas Mugs

This really happened!

Akimbo Sitting slightly askew a star on the mantel for show… He felt that he should right it. But little did he know. “Oh I liked it catywampus! Please don’t change my decoratin’ You see, things do look best When they’re arranged a bit sigodlin. Now furniture all chockablock Well that’s against the law. But … Continue reading This really happened!

For Ellen

Macy Macy knew, that as she grew, her love for all things making was growing still, her heart to fill ... crocheting, quilting, baking! Yet in all this, one more was bliss a thread ran through them all— A gift to give, for this she lives, something not found at the mall. So Macy made, … Continue reading For Ellen

Tree Trimming

There have been many new followers here on Drawn2Life this year. I want to welcome ALL of you! I am really so glad you are here! I'm hoping those of you who have been with me for a while won't mind a few poems written from past holidays.  I love pulling them out along with … Continue reading Tree Trimming

It’s Christmastime!

Come With Me I have so much to share with thee, my online reader and friend, I think I shall post--'til the day that I toast-- the New Year coming 'round the bend. So here I go a rhyming sharing poems present and past. So we can enjoy the season making merry with mirth 'til … Continue reading It’s Christmastime!


(22"x30" watercolor, 1990? Birches on Granville Dr.) For some strange reason, every autumn, my brain starts thinking in rhythm and rhyme. I pull out my well-loved copy of Robert Frost's poetry and I'm dazzled by how beautifully he paints with words. We've had birch trees in the yards of both houses we've lived in. I … Continue reading Birches

Awesome Quotes

A favorite artist of mine, Ian Sideaway, posted on his blog a couple of terrific quotes by other all-time favorite artists of mine: "I cannot rest, I must draw, however poor the result, and when I have a bad time come over me it is a stronger desire than ever." (Beatrix Potter) I so identify … Continue reading Awesome Quotes

The Bag Lady

A quick sketch in my writing journal before heading off to teach today. My husband often calls me "the bag lady" and this is why. I carry multiple bags around with me. And bags within bags (like the knitting bag tucked in my purse/handbag).  This is actually a fairly light day. Typically I have bags … Continue reading The Bag Lady