Celebration Bouquet


On June 25th, my husband and I celebrated our 26th wedding anniversary. I have two versions of this gorgeous bouquet he sent me. This one is in LINE and then watercolor added in. Many of you who have followed me here for some time know how much I love line! One of the many reasons I love line is that it becomes a structure for me to hang the watercolor on…very loose and free! Tomorrow I’ll share with you the NON-LINE version. I love painting that way too!

May this artful bouquet bring you a spot of joy this day! Thank you for visiting!

**BTW…my favorite drawing tool at the moment is a Sharpie pen! An artist friend of mine gave it to me along with an awesome watercolor sketchbook for me to fill as I recuperated. I’ll take a pic or draw it for you…I think you’d love to draw with it too!

***Oh, and an update for you on my health. I had surgery on June 4th as a follow-up to what happened to me a year or so ago. Without going into all the details, it was pretty major surgery. Healing has been slow going. But I see improvements every day. I’m so very grateful for all my friends and family near and far who have supported me in these difficult weeks. I can say though, that I feel like I’m turning a corner as I am feeling much better just these last two days. All of these flowers I’m sharing with you have been evidence of beauty in the midst of pain.

0 thoughts on “Celebration Bouquet

  1. stacey says:

    Well if the drawings are any indication you must be getting better everyday. Both yesterday’s and today’s are beautiful. Hope you get well real quick!

    • jenpedwards says:

      Hi Stacey! I think the drawings are also part of why I’m getting better…I’ve tried to swoosh a little paint around each day even if I didn’t feel too well. You get caught up in it and before you know it, twenty minutes has gone by and stout didn’t think about the pain or feeling yucky. Good stuff, that watercolor is!:D

  2. Marie says:

    Wishing you a speedy recovery and I am glad your art is helping you to recover. Your paintings are beautiful as always. Look after yourself.

    • jenpedwards says:

      You like the Sharpies too? The one I used here is slightly different than the others I have used. It has a more fine line to it. The others say “fine” on the pens but are slightly larger. I use those for outlining Genevieve. I tend to like the normal everyday pens rather than the expensive ones.

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