Knitting Brown

To the yarn currently on my needles:

I do not know why I chose you. I’m sorry to say it! Brown? Really? Brown yarn has never been something I gravitated to in the midst of luscious raspberry hanks, purpley-hued skeins, vibrant lime balls, sumptuously variegated twists of wool or cotton hanging in a glittering yarn shop.  But here you are sitting in my lap, being woven ever so cheerfully (for now) with two sticks.

Perhaps it was the rich chocolatey nature of your brown.  Definitely NOT the mousy browns I sometimes see and cannot abide. Maybe you caught me off guard with the ever so subtle flecks of red here and there, or the halo effect of wisps of wool that peek out of the stockinette. Still, you are dark.  I do not knit with dark.

Maybe it was the vision I had of you all worked up into the wonderful original sweater creation I have teeming in my head? Oh wait, no. Two years ago, when I bought you, I had something else in mind for you.  And through the last 24 months, that vision has changed numerous times to land here and now with what I feel is your destiny. Hmmm…why indeed did you find your way into my stash?

Was it the incredible deal of getting 478 yds of wool in ONE hank? And then only needing two hanks to make whatever I had envisioned then? The very thought of knitting a sweater for only $28 would’ve been enough to draw peels of glee from any knitter! Add to that the fact that I could use size 10 needles with you, thus allowing for a quicker knit and more immediate results.  But I failed to take into account this one thing:

No, two things: aging eyes and my lack of stick-to-it-iveness.  I did not take into account that my eyes were losing their ability to see clearly up close. And now that I have these new-fangled, totally awesome glasses which allow me to see my knitting better whilst also viewing a movie, I nevertheless have more issues with constantly looking at dark. And dark you are!  Perhaps a few cones aren’t firing anymore in my middle-aged eyes. The delightful little v-shaped stitches that are so fun to watch being made, are not as easy to see in the dark chocolatey brown.

I fear you may wind up being set aside. Or worse, stuffed in the back of my closet with so many other UFOs! My inner knitter is far to easily enamored with other yarns and projects that lie in wait in my stash of wools and cottons.  You need not fear being replaced by newly bought yarn, as I have severely curtailed my visits to any yarn selling establishment! But I do have enough yarn to tickle my fancy for at least a year, maybe two.  My stick-to-it-iveness wilts in the face of a new vision of yarn creation goodness.

Yet, I am resolving this day, even though I can’t figure out why you are here, to continue on this journey of bringing into reality the vision I have in my head. And to that end, I have drawn this vision and have posted it prominently in my home so as to remind myself of the goal before me.  I will endeavor to wear my blinders to all other delicious colored yarns and the possibilities they pose!  I will push through the sameness of brown for 956 yds. of knitting!  The real fun will be in the embellishments I have planned for you! Just you wait.

Please ignore all the mutterings and grumblings I may utter under my breath as I knit.  Please be patient with me. I know you did not want to wind up in the hands of a begrudging knitter.  If you will keep on alluring me with your red-flecked chocolatey goodness, I will keep on clicking those needles. And one day, you will be enjoyed on my shoulders for colder days.



With all due respect for your Yarnliness,


0 thoughts on “Knitting Brown

  1. ejmordasky says:

    you are such a wonderful writer ! I would love a nice brown sweater or sweatshirt to wear with animal print scarfs for added pizazz—for starters. Your sketch is to die for creative

  2. Alex Tan says:

    This looks so much fun! My wife like knitting too, and my mom did so when I was little. I usually watch…and fall asleep after a bit, so I can say it’s a relaxing thing.
    Lovely drawings!

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