Love, Love, Love!!!!

Be still my beating heart!!!

This past Monday was a day off from school for my kids.  Maddie and I often declare such days, “A Making Day”.  Sometimes we work on something together, sometimes we work on our own projects silently, with music going, but nevertheless together.  These are sweet memories I will always cherish.

After making lots of other things, like origami, and crocheted rosettes, she disappeared to her room in the afternoon.  Hours went by and the only time I saw her was when she came down to ask me to tie the knot at the end of her needle and thread.  I didn’t think much of it, as I too was busy making stuff.

Long after dinner, she came downstairs asking me to close my eyes, hold out my hands.  And this is what she gave me.  Oh my heart.  Bursting.  Hugging. Exclaiming. Praising. Wonder.  Amazement.  A plushie gift made from beginning to end…FOR ME.  Oh my.

I thought at first it was an elephant.  But it is a Koala Bear.  Then I remembered her question to me that very morning, “Mom, tell me one of your favorite animals.”  I named my pink gingham Koala Bear Kaylee.  Kaylee the Koala Bear.  I. Love. It. So. Heart-to-bursting. Much.

It wasn’t until I was tucking her in, that I saw her little pattern she had hand-drawn.  Oh. My. Heart.  I think it might just fly apart with wings of sheer joy at the artist-maker in her…conceiving an idea on paper, drawing it out, choosing fabric she thinks I might like, hand stitching it together, stuffing it lovingly, sewing all the parts together, drawing the super cute eyes and ears on because, as she says, she forgot to SEW the eyes and ears on.  I much prefer the drawn ones!

I asked her to sign the back of it for me and date it.  She said, “Why?”

Because it is a lovely piece of art that needs your name on it.  And because i always want to remember this day. <sigh>

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