New Specs

Change is not easy for me. Not one bit. When it became obvious that my beloved red thin glasses were not helping me to see well either far away or close up, I waited a very long time (about a year) before doing anything about it. I knew that I would have to let go of the shape of those glasses since they were not deep enough to accommodate the graduated lens I needed for close up work as well as long distance sight. Although I really wanted red glasses again, I wasn’t willing to spend huge amounts of time looking for red ones with just the right shape. I decided to be decisive. To take the first pair I liked and which felt comfortable on my face. Of course…the lens had to be large enough for my aging eyes.

The same thing is true whenever I feel the need to take inventory in my creative life. I have at various times over the years, felt overwhelmed by all the creating, all the online sharing, all the many avenues of living an Artful Life that I’ve established over the years. Just as my eye glasses were not fitting my needs for seeing clearly, so too the shape of my creative life was blurring my sight, hindering me from being able to focus in any direction.

I took some time for this. Indeed I’m still working through it all as I journal daily and really hone in on what my WHY is, what motivates and underpins all the artistic pursuits I love. I keep coming back to my sketchbook practice. It is from this daily lens on life…sketching my world…that all the rest flows. And it is this lens that I am once again focusing on, letting it be the One Thing that I keep first and foremost as an artist. Drawing my life. Drawcumenting the Days.

Oh to be sure, I’m knitting and crocheting, and teaching my lovely classes of women who want to learn. I have a commission painting going, and ideas for trying out some abstract acrylics on canvas. But these are secondary to the sketchbook lens through which I can see my life for the beauty that is there. It is this focus that is enabling me to shed a few pounds of extra weight online.

To that end, I’ve trimmed and sorted, weeded and organized it all. Well, most of it. You might like to spend some time browsing around to see what’s here. And please do subscribe to my blog/website as I will no longer be sending out the Artful Lifeline weekly newsletter. Indeed, I haven’t done so in many months. I’ve realized that this blog and website can be exactly as my newsletter was…a place for folks to subscribe and receive encouragement and art news right in their email boxes. So please do subscribe here if you haven’t already! Click on the highlighted link above or find on the Home page the spot for signing up. Thank you so much for journeying with me here!

If you enjoy drawing your life in a sketchbook, check out my You Tube Channel for the Sketchbook Chats and other drawing videos. I have spruced up my Channel and am planning on adding other Sketchbook Chats in the near future.

And I am always active on Instagram. Such a fun place to hang out with other artists! I hope to see you there!

But now…it is snowing outside! Yes people….you read that right…SNOWING!!!!!! IN MARCH! So I must go draw it!! My new sketchbook is calling to me and I can see it ever so clearly now! I hope you are finding joy in living Artfully, following the lines of your life in a sketchbook filled with color!

Draw On my friends…Draw On!


8 thoughts on “New Specs

  1. Cheryl Wright says:

    I know that “putting off” scenario very well. I also need new glasses. Aaahmmm, it’s coming up on three years. YIKES! That’s not good. I think I’ll call and make an appointment. Thanks so much for the push.

    And yes, that sorting through, rethinking, decluttering, reorganizing and redesigning of the creative life and space and stuff (tools and supplies) and let’s not forget the “impulse buying”. Double YIKES!
    But one thing at a time. Right Jennifer?

    Girlfriend, I’m taking my cue from you and allowing my daily creative habit- journaling, sketching and current knitting project feed, fill, nurture and guide me to a more streamlined way of creating.

    • Jennifer Edwards says:

      Hehe…thank you very much Cheryl! But I did take a little bit of artist license with the color of my glasses. They are definitely blue and in just the right light they kinda shine a lighter blue. I used my beloved turquoise for them so that they would show up better in the painting. :)) I so wish they were red. But a change is a good thing, right? Have a great day! -Jennifer

    • Jennifer Edwards says:

      Hi Margaret! Thanks for your lovely comment! I am enjoying my new glasses, even though I do wish they were red, or as turquoise as I’ve made them appear in the painting. Artist has the right to paint them whatever color she wants, right? They are indeed blue, light blue. Just not quite as turquoise as they are in the portrait. I hope to see you soon! I have a full couple of weeks and then hope to get in touch about lunch with you!!! Have a lovely day! -Jennifer

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