Opening Night, Portrait #7

Our oldest daughter recently performed in her high school musical production of Wizard of Oz.  She and many other students worked long hours to produce one of THE best musicals Glenn High School had ever done!  Such talent! It was really amazing to watch.  My husband and I were so proud of her!  This portrait is of her opening night…we gave her some roses right before she headed off to get costumed, make-upped, and altogether ready for the big night.  I am almost as excited about this portrait as I am about the musical they performed!

I’m not going to dissect this one.  There’s no need to delve into what’s working, and what’s not working.  I just want to enjoy it no matter whether there are little things that could be done better here or there.  I’m pleased.  It IS a very good likeness of our Catherine.  And my overall desire was to have the flowers not compete with her face, but to have their effervescence extend up into the rest of the painting.  I think I accomplished this and so I’ll leave the rest of it alone.

Oh me…this is so very satisfying.  Could it be, that I have found something I enjoy THIS MUCH?  When I paint these portraits, life has an extra glow to it; there’s a zip in my step, and a little extra energy for my day.

0 thoughts on “Opening Night, Portrait #7

  1. Patsy says:

    Well, I thought it was high time I commented on your “100 Portraits” project. I have loved all the others (even the ones you didn’t, but I know nothing !), but agree that this one is the best so far. The flowers are just the perfect balance for that beautiful face. So nice to share this exciting journey w/you.

  2. nancy t says:

    Well done, my friend! Your daughter is so beautiful, and you must be very proud of her accomplishments. Let’s all hear it for zippy steps and more energy!! nancy

  3. Alex Tan says:

    I know as a parent you must be really proud of her, but I can also tell you that as you child she must be really proud of you too ^^ That’s how I’d feel if my parents are able to draw like you do, or even draw me =) Then again, if they draw a stick figure right now and then tell me that they’ve done their best trying to draw me, I’d still be proud of them =)

  4. dana jenkins says:

    wow, what a great way to remember such a fun occasion. she is filled with joy and you really captured it.

  5. Joan Gillman Smith says:

    Jennifer, you do these portraits so beautifully. This one will be treasured by your daughter always.

  6. Raena says:

    You have so much to be proud of! Your daughter is beautiful and talented, and this portrait is fantastic!! Congratulations on doing such a fine piece! I know that feeling…where you just can’t wipe the smile off your face because you’re so satisfied! Mine aren’t on your level, but I was like that with my last self-portrait! What a great feeling it is!

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