Our Hero!

My husband and I often say to our youngest (age 12) daughter (pictured on the left in the above drawing)-- "You are our hero!" We say this for many reasons, but mostly because of the amazing way she handles living with Type 1 Diabetes. We said it to her when she learned this year to … Continue reading Our Hero!

A Grand Day for Walking

We awoke to 25 degree (Fahrenheit) weather...brrrrr! Maddie and I pulled on layers of clothing to stay warm outside for a morning Walk.  We picked up several of her friends on our way to the BB&T Field in Winston-Salem, NC and joined a throng of other winter-garbed folks for a brisk Walk for a worthy … Continue reading A Grand Day for Walking

The Good Dose of Reality

I received a text from my youngest daughter Maddie when she was at school on Thursday morning.  Sitting at the computer, I was marveling at all the "likes" and "congrats" and purchases for my children's book, Genevieve and the Kite. It felt like my kite was flying high in the breeze and I was along … Continue reading The Good Dose of Reality