Just Yesterday

Just yesterday I stopped in my hustling-n-bustling to watch and listen to my youngest practicing piano.  It was a must-be-drawn moment.

I find myself saying Just Yesterday a lot.  “Just yesterday, you were yay-high.”  “Just yesterday, you used to say Wavy-blue instead of Navy blue.” “Just yesterday you called your brother Warnie, ’cause William was a bit too much of a mouthful.”

I’m doing the same thing with my oldest girl who is a senior in high school and with my son, a freshman.

How did all those yesterdays even become “yesterday”?

So many lovely yesterdays make one feel full, rich, and just a little old.

I’m so glad I have my sketches of the yesterdays of my life.  Aren’t you?

0 thoughts on “Just Yesterday

  1. Jane A says:

    I know exactly what you mean – mine are 10 and 12, and it all went so fast – but the more they grow up the better it seems to get.
    I love the drawing of the piano and the practiser – and the colour. Thank you Jennifer

  2. Alex Tan says:

    I understand what you mean by feeling old and stuff…my baby niece just took her first steps a few days ago… 10,000 miles away from me.
    Love the drawing, and love what you’re doing.

  3. freebirdsings - Timaree says:

    I wasn’t drawing when my kids were little or I might have preserved more memories as we didn’t have digital cameras yet and developing film was expensive! You are very fortunate to have been able to sketch them through the years. This is a precious picture too! I love how you didn’t over do the color. It’s a complete picture but she is certainly the star attraction the way you added the most color to her.

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