Morning Draw


Started about a week ago, I’m making a drawing each morning before the day gets going. Perhaps its like my Morning Cuppa Joe (which I’ve replaced with herbal tea) or my Morning Meditation…it just starts the day off right. This was the first one and I didn’t date it like I have the others. This first week’s worth are uploaded to my Flickr account should you care to see them. I plan on uploading about once a week just to Flickr. I haven’t put any of my work on Flickr in a while so this will be fun.

Perhaps you’d like to join me in making a little drawing each morning. I enjoy a slow contour drawing to really bring my thoughts and focus on just what’s in front of me, savoring each line and connection of shapes. It’s a great way to harness the ping-pong thoughts in my head as the day gets started.

0 thoughts on “Morning Draw

  1. Lynda says:

    I am always so inspired by your work. So much so, that I have enrolled in a beginning drawing class at my local community college. I hope someday I will find the same joy and peace in my own work that comes through so clearly in yours. Thank you for sharing it so faithfully with all of us!

    • jenpedwards says:

      Oh Lynda!! You have just made my day!! I wish you every joy in embarking on this journey of drawing! May the process of placing pen and paint to paper be an adventure that takes you so many places! Thank you for sharing this with me!! Sincerely, Jennifer

  2. freebirdsings says:

    Nice picture. I see some posts here that I haven’t gotten emails for. I wonder what is up with that. I’ll have to look into it. My morning draw, and I have to admit I don’t do it every day, is the weather. We are usually sunny so I have gobs of Suns drawn with a few clouds on occasion. I try to make each one different.

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