Upcoming plans…

I’ve grown quite fond of each of you who reads my blog.  It is a bit mind boggling that anyone would want to read my musings, thoughts, and ramblings, much less see images of my paint and fiberwork.  But you are here, whether it is by stumbling upon this site, or whether you are an EDM artist, or a yarn lover, or  you just like visiting, I’m so grateful you do!  And I hope you keep visiting!  And if you leave comments: an extra THANK YOU! to you.  I do love hearing from you and I realize it takes precious time to leave a comment.  I do read each and every one and wish I could comment back to each of you.  Those of you who also have blogs, I really enjoy visiting YOUR space in the cyber world!  Please keep dropping in from time to time…I have several things in the works for you.

First up is to offer sets of cards created from my artwork over the years.  I’m starting with a set of 4 images (2 cards each of 4 images…one of which is the above ice cream painting:) that will be purchasable through the yarnworksbyjennifer shop.  I will let you know when that happens (my hope is in the next couple of weeks) AND to offer a free set to a randomly selected person who places a comment on the day (or couple of days after) I offer the free set.  So please keep checking by…even if it’s just for the possibility of receiving something FREE! (I love free stuff, don’t you?)

Also, stay tuned to see the first of several fiber paintings! I have, at long last, completed the first of these babies.  The idea has literally been swimming around in my head for a couple of YEARS!  A few feeble attempts, and now I’ve got one to show you, and offer for sale.  They are so fun…images painted with yarn!

And, last but not least, I do plan to return to pattern writing!  I have so many designs that are scrawled in sketchbooks just dying to be shared with you!  Pattern writing takes a tremendous amount of time and concentration, so I haven’t had much of that recently what with all the family goings on…but soon, I’m hoping to have some other patterns, both for sale and for free (there’s that great word again:)

In the meantime, I’ll keep drawing and blathering on about art & life, and frivolous things too.  I do  believe my little brain tends toward the philosophizing too much…you’ll just have to bare (bear?) with me.  At any rate, thank you again, for visiting my little space here.  I do hope each of you have a perfectly marvelous day!

0 thoughts on “Upcoming plans…

  1. Indigo Roo says:

    Been spending time this month looking at the future as well — envisioning where I want to be and then working on a plan to move me in that direction. So definitely looking to see where the year takes you. Never seen fiber art before, interesting idea. I’m intrigued, hooked even, and will be back to see more.

  2. janice says:

    I just spent some time catching up on your blog. I loved reading your thoughts on Snowflakes, for the second time they are uplifting. Grayson joined me in the office and I gave him the royal tour through your blog and your gallery. I wish you could have seen the amazement on his face. He is truly seeing (at least in part) the flake that God created, not one that you’ve mustered up. Enjoy your gifts! The rest of us do!

    • jenpedwards says:

      Thank you Janice, for your wonderful comment! It’s a privilege to teach Grayson and be a small part of Redeemer School. I know the your students are enriched daily by your “flakeness” as well! Thanks for stopping by my blog.

  3. Deborah says:

    Sounds like a plan! Your paintings continue to amaze and delight me, and I personally (with the same penchant toward philosophizing) love to read your “ramblings, musings, and blatherings”. Keep it all coming 🙂

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